Amazing Meals (Kosher for Passover Meat)

Status: Yoshon

Applies to all Kosher for Passover Meat Amazing Meals, including Beef Goulash, Bone-In Chicken, Beef Stuffed Cabbage, and Chicken Soup with Knaidel.

Updated As Of:
September 19, 2024


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Additional Information

Grain Ingredient

No problematic ingredients


Meat, Glatt Kosher, Kosher for Passover

Kosher Supervision

OU-P Glatt and Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum (the Nirbater Rav)

Yoshon Hashgacha

Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum (the Nirbater Rav) and OU

Update Source


UPC Bar Code

051328700691, 051328700707, 051328700721, 051328700738