Guidelines to Follow When Buying Products
If you are looking to buy products that could possibly contain chodosh, consult the lists below for terms listed on the ingredient panel that can pose problems.
What Possible Chodosh Ingredients to Look For
If you are looking to buy products that could possibly contain Chodosh, consult the list below for any terms listed on the ingredient panel that can pose problems. They are all derived from the Five Grains- Wheat, Barley, Spelt, Rye or Oats. If an ingredient is in the list below, consult our site to make sure your item is yoshon. Stock up on items containing these ingredients, or check our main site.
All-Purpose Flour; Ancient Grains (some can be from the 5 grains); Barley; Barley Extract; Barley Flour; Barley Grass; Barley Malt; Barley Malt Extract; Barley Malt Syrup; Beer; Beer Batter; Bleached Flour; Bran; Bran Flour; Bread Crumbs; Bread Flour; Brewer’s Yeast (can be made from Barley Beer); Bromated Flour; Cake Flour; Cake Meal; Couscous; Cracked Wheat; Cracker Meal; Durum; Durum Flour; Durum Semolina; Durum Wheat; Egg Barley; Egg Noodles; Enriched Flour; Farik; Farina; Farro; Flour; Freekeh; Glucose Syrup (from outside the USA); Gluten; Gluten Flour; Graham; Graham Cracker; Graham Flour; Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein; Kamut; Kamut Flour; Kamut Wheat; Khorasan Wheat; Khorasan Flour; Malt; Malt Color; Malt Colour; Malted Barley; Malted Barley Extract; Malted Barley Flour; Malted Barley Syrup; Malted Oats; Malted Wheat; Malt Extract; Malt Flavoring; Malt Syrup; Malt Vinegar; Oat Bran; Oat Fiber; Oat Flour; Oat Grass; Oat Groats; Oatmeal; Oats; Orzo; Pearled Barley; Pearled Couscous; Pearled Wheat; Phosphated Flour; Pin Pats; Pin Oatmeal; Pot Barley; Puffed Kamut; Puffed Wheat; Rolled Oats; Rye; Rye Bran; Rye Flour; Seitan; Self-Rising Flour; Semolina; Spelt; Spelt Bran; Spelt Flour; Spelt Germ; Sprouted Grain; Steel-Cut Oats; Tabouleh; Triticale; Unbleached Flour; Vegetable Protein; Vegetable Starch; Vital Gluten; Wheat; Wheat Berries; Wheat Bran; Wheat Flour; Wheat Germ; Wheat Gluten, Wheat Grass; White Flour; Whole Grains; Whole Wheat; Whole Wheat Flour.
Note: (If you see a product or ingredient we’ve missed, please let us know about it at:
Info@ YoshonNetwork .org.
Scary-Sounding Ingredients That Are NOT Chodosh
Some of these ingredients sound scary, but none of these are made from the Five Grains. If your product contains them, you don’t need to worry about it!
Amaranth; Arrowroot; Audolized Yeast; Brown Rice; Buckwheat (aka “Kasha” is not a true wheat); Corn; Corn Starch; Corn Meal; Flax; Food Starch; Grits; Hominy; Hops; Inulin; Maltodextrin (USA only); Millet; Modified Food Starch; Polenta; Potato Starch; Psyllium; Rice; Rice; Rice Starch; Quinoa; Sorghum; Soy Flour; Tapioca Starch; Teff; Torula Yeast.
Items That Are Yoshon
These items are all considered yoshon:
- Pure Winter Wheat (N America) It may not be so clear even if stating 100% Winter Wheat)
- Domestic Rye (check for other ingredients or shared equipment.
- Domestic Spelt (check for other ingredients or shared equipment.
- Pure Bulgur/Bulgur Wheat
- Products that are made in Israel with reliable kosher certification (including US hashgachot)
- Any product under the supervision of Badatz Eida HaChareidus of Yerushalayim.
- Any product under the supervision of Kedassia of the UK.
- Any product under the supervision of Rabbi Westheim/Landau.
- Products marked “Yoshon” or “Kemach Yashan” (in Hebrew or English) with reliable kosher certification.
- Most Gefilte Fish (Made with Matza Meal or Potato Starch)
- All Matzah.
- Matzo Meal
- Kosher for Passover Products
- All Meal Mart products (including hospital and airline meals)
- All Kemach Flours. (This even includes the malt, and will be marked with a “Yoshon” label)
- Wheat Starch made in N America. (They are generally from Winter Wheat)
- Note: Gluten-Free products are NOT necessarily Chodosh-Free! Oats often don’t contain gluten, but may be chodosh! Only items made without the 5 grains (including malt) are not problematic.
Products to Stock Up On and/or Check On Dates
Items with Possible Added Chodosh Ingredients
Products from Imported Crops (Except Israel)
Any of these could be made from the Five Grains and could be chodosh.
Rye Bagels; Rye Bagel Chips; Rye Bread; Rye Buns; Rye Crackers; Frozen Rye Bread Doughs; Rye Pretzels, Spelt Flake Cereal; Spelt Bread; Spelt Crackers; Spelt Flour; Spelt Matzos.