Below are links to helpful sites, grouped by category.
Keeping Yoshon
Date Calculator Site: Add or subtract shelf life times to get best by and manufacturing dates.
Julian Date Converter: Convert a Gregorian date to Julian or vice versa, in YYDDD format.
Food for Life Lot Code Calculator: Scroll to the bottom to find out when Food for Life’s products like Ezekiel 4:9 Bread was made.
OK Certification Yoshon Product Search: Search the OK’s list of Yoshon-certified products under their hashgacha.
Vintage Grain: The Mitzvah of Keeping Yashan by Chasya Katriela Eshkol. For more explanation on anything yoshon, here is a link to get ”Vintage Grain: The Mitzvah of Keeping Yashan”. It is very detailed, but written in terms that newcomers can understand. Order From This Link.
Kashrut has resources for anything to do with kosher food, from articles to links and a wonderful program for zemanim anywhere in the world.
cRc Agency List: Find out if Hechsherim are acceptable.
Can Do Kosher! A Quick and Concise Guide to Becoming Kosher by Chasya Katriela Eshkol, is a compact book filled with information. Bring it with you to tavel, or give it to someone who needs to learn the basics. Order from this link.
Miscellaneous Items Specializes in all kinds of Chat Bots, such as our YAIR (waving in the lower left), and our WAPBot (WhatsApp Police Bot) that screens our group members prior to joining. Tovim Media, LLC is a full-service web agency providing professional Web Design and Mobile App Development, SEO, Domain Registration, Web Hosting, and eBusiness Consulting Services. You are looking at an example of their work here on, plus they designed our wonderful Mobile App. offers affordable Book Publishing Services for Independent Jewish Authors, and offers high-quality books such as “Vintage Grain: The Mitzvah of Keeping Yashan“.
Company Links
If you have product questions, such as finding out when a product was made, or even not pertaining to yoshon at all, you can click on the logo of the company you need. It will take you directly to the company’s website if it has one.
Updated As Of:
October 31, 2023
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