The Yoshon Network Inc. endeavors to bring people together. Here we present Yoshon Contacts from the US and around the world. Whether you are going on a trip or plan to move to a new area, the contacts listed in the area should be able to help you with your yoshon needs.
If you would like to be a contact for your area, we’d love to hear from you! Please send us your name, address or location, your email address and/or phone number, the name of your group if you have one, a Rabbi of reference and his email address or phone number.
Contacts and Referring Organizations Around the USA
Contacts Listed By State Below
Phoenix, AZ
Local Contact:
The Yoshon Network Inc. Headquarters
Chasya Eshkol
Text Only or Whatsapp to: 7325-YOSHON (732-596-7466)
Email: Info @ YoshonNetwork .org
May be able to locate Shabbat hospitality, and/or recommend currently yashan establishments.
Los Angeles, CA
Local Contacts:
Rabbi Ephraim Niehaus
LINK Kollel
8666 W Pico Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Phone: 310-470-5465
Rabbinic Council of California (RCC)
3780 Wilshire Blvd #420
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Phone: 213-389-3382
Local Contacts:
Kosher Miami
PO Box 403225
Miami, FL 33140-1225
Phone: 786-463-9931
Text: 305-437-8107
Email: info@koshermiami.org
Local Contacts:
Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc)
Phone: (773) 465-3900.
Local Contacts:
Star-K of Baltimore
Phone: (410) 484-4110
The Yoshon Exchange
Mrs. Debby Nelkin, c/o Star-K, (410) 484-4110
(Specializes in a Yoshon Gemach.)
Local Contacts:
Rabbi Berel Broyde
15130 Burton, Oak Park, MI
(248) 968-3057
Yoshon Hashgacha: Vaad Harabonim of Greater Detroit (COR)
Local Contacts:
Rabbi Yoseph Greenfeld
1172 Tiffany St., Lakewood
(732) 364-1979
Rabbi Shimon Greenfeld
1 Kew Gardens Rd., Lakewood
(732) 364-7576
Local Contacts:
Mrs. Chaya Rosskamm
Local Contacts:
Cincinnati Yoshon Network (Part of The Yoshon Network Inc.)
7070 Elbrook Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45237
Phone: 513-815-7070.
(Specializes in a Yoshon Gemach and setting up hospitality meals.)
Washington, DC
Local Contacts:
Rabbi Gedalia Walls of the Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington
Phone: (703) 328-5588
Contacts and Referring Organizations Around the World
Contacts Listed By Country Below
Local Contacts:
Kolel Bais Hatalmud
362A Carlisle St.
Balaclava, Melbourne (3183)
Note: Locally grown Wheat and Barley are Yoshon! Bakeries use local wheat flour for breads and challah. Some bread-like cakes, such as yeast cakes may be Chodosh.
For pasta, ask for Israeli products, which are always Yoshon. During some years, most barley used for cholent comes from North America and may be Chodosh.
For Local Information, Contact:
Rabbi S. Golovenshitz
Note: Wheat and oat items made in Canada are generally yoshon at least up to a packing date of Sept 22.
Rabbis Peretz Jaffee or Y. Wenger of the Jewish Community Council of Montreal
5491 Victoria Ave.
(514) 739-6363.
(They publish local Chodosh Bulletins)
Renfell Bakery-Montreal
Yoshon under the hashgacha of the CRC.
Local Contact:
Rabbi Yehoshua Norman at the COR
(416) 635-9550
(COR also publishes local Chodosh Bulletins.)
Local Contact:
Rabbi Elozor Lieberman
37 Grasmere St West
Telephone 011-44-191-477-1598
(All food establishments in Gateshead, England are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Lieberman.)
Local Contacts:
Rabbi Michoel Scharf of Kedassia
Office phone: 011-44-208-800-6833, Fax: 011-44-208-809-7292.
(All packaged items, under their hashgocho are certified. Most bakeries are Yoshon. The season starts in Nov. or later. Contact them for updated bakery lists.)
Federation of Synagogues
Telephone number 011-44-208-202-2263
Dayan Moshe Elzas.
(All packaged products with the Federation’s KF symbol are always Yoshon, whether sold in Israel or elsewhere.)
London Beth Din
Rabbi Gershon Feinsilver
Telephone number 011-44-208-343-6253
(Contact them for some Yoshon information.)
Local Contact:
Manchester Beth-Din
(Many services are Yoshon under the Beth Din.)
Food Exported By Israel
Note: Food produced in Israel under reliable hashgacha are also always Yoshon.
In addition, all items produced under the hashgacha of the Badatz Eida HaChareidus of Yerushalayim are also always Yoshon, even if they are packed outside of Israel.
Food Imported to Israel
Note: Many American-brand-name food items sold in Israel and other countries are produced under contract outside of the USA. Often packaged goods are imported to Israel without regard for the possibility of them being Chodosh. Importers may paste their own labels, in Hebrew on such packages, describing the foreign kashrut organization that vouches for the kashrut, but not the Yoshon status, of the contents. The general public in Eretz Yisrael is often unaware that some hashgacha in Chutz L’Aretz are not usually avoiding Chodosh.
Reliable Hashgacha
Rabbi O. Y. Westheim
(Everything under his hashgacha is always Yoshon everywhere in the world. This includes Bobbie’s fish products sold in Europe.)
Rabbi Michoel Scharf of Kedassia
Office phone: 011-44-208-800-6833, Fax: 011-44-208-809-7292
(Everything with this hashgacha on it Yoshon everywhere in the world.)
London Federation of Synagogues
Telephone number 011-44-208-202-2263. Dayan Moshe Elzas.
(London Federation of Synagogues advised that to their knowledge all crackers and biscuits produced in Europe are Yoshon. Obviously not all of these are under the hashgacha of the Federation. All packaged products with the Federation’s KF symbol are always Yoshon, whether sold in Israel or elsewhere.)
Local Contact:
The Union of Orthodox Synagogues of South Africa in Johannesburg (UOS)
(Up to date Yoshon information is available from the UOS. Their Yoshon Bulletin may be accessed on the Web at their site. Look for the “Kashrus Guide”, and under that, look for “Yoshon Update”.)