Applies to all size packages of Ostreicher’s Cookies made with Wheat in tins or bags, including all types of Chocolate Chip such as Original, Calmintol, Choco Choco-Chip, Choco-Chip Mini, and Whole Wheat; Caramel Chip, Swiss Chip, Almond Coconut, French, Honey, Lemon, Marble, or Vanilla; and Sugar Free in Almond, Chocolate Chip, or Lemon flavors.
Grain Ingredient | Wheat (may contain Barley Malt) |
Designation | Parve |
Kosher Supervision | OU and New Square Kashrus |
Yoshon Hashgacha | New Square Kashrus |
Update Source | New Square Kashrus |
UPC Bar Code | 026046010001, 026046070005, 076046010044, 076046010075, 726046003057, 726046016002, 726046017009, 726046020009, 726046030008, 726046040007, 726046060005, 726046080003, 726046120013, 726046120068, 726046120082, 726046120716 |