Ostreicher’s Wheat Cookies

Status: Yoshon (With “Yoshon” Sticker Only)

Applies to all size packages of Ostreicher’s Cookies made with Wheat in tins or bags, including all types of Chocolate Chip such as Original, Calmintol, Choco Choco-Chip, Choco-Chip Mini, and Whole Wheat; Caramel Chip, Swiss Chip, Almond Coconut, French, Honey, Lemon, Marble, or Vanilla; and Sugar Free in Almond, Chocolate Chip, or Lemon flavors.

Updated As Of:
November 14, 2024


bdnewsquare63x65  OR    ou225x2250

Additional Information

Grain Ingredient

Wheat (may contain Barley Malt)



Kosher Supervision

OU and New Square Kashrus

Yoshon Hashgacha

New Square Kashrus

Update Source

New Square Kashrus

UPC Bar Code

026046010001, 026046070005, 076046010044, 076046010075, 726046003057, 726046016002, 726046017009, 726046020009, 726046030008, 726046040007, 726046060005, 726046080003, 726046120013, 726046120068, 726046120082, 726046120716