YOSHON.COM NEWS: Yoshon Alert on Bake Station Bakery Rye Bread, and Zeman’s Rye Bread and other products. See COR Detroit Alerts below for details. New Status on Gefen Ramen Noodles and Soup in Cups! See 1-21-25 Yoshon.com News Alert for details. 1/18/25 – Turkish Wheat Products Deemed Yoshon. See 1-21-25 Yoshon.com News Alert for details.
The following have been updated as of:
1/31/25 – Updated TYNI Product Manual. 1/31/25 – Updated Yoshon Flours List. 1/29/25 – UOS South Africa Yoshon Update #5. 1/28/25 – Updated Cleveland Kosher Yoshon Establishments List. 1/13/25 – Updated MK Canadian Products and Establishments.
Anything on our Site that is “Updated As Of” August 1, 2024 or later is current. Keep updated by subscribing to our Newsletter and Alerts or join our WhatsApp Groups.
The Official Yoshon.com App is Available on both Google Playand theApp Store! See details onApp Page. (If you are enjoying our app, please rate it and submit a review.)
Download the “TYNI Product Manual”, Agency Updates, Lists and Other Important Resources
Below is a list of the most current Yoshon updates from the USA and around the world, as well as helpful and important Yoshon informational resources. Click on the links to view a document, and it will open up in a new tab. To download it, click on the download icon at the upper right of the page and it will save the pdf to your computer for printing or off-line reference.
(Note: If something isn’t listed as “Current“, it may be from last season and no longer applicable. Make sure to check the “updated as of” dates.)
Download Index
Click on the links to go to that section automatically. Then either view or download a document by clicking on the Download button within the box.
Below are the most current updates for many things, including updates from kashrut agencies around the world, and many of our resources like Yoshon Lists.
In cooperation with AKO (Association of Kashrus Organizations), we are happy to offer our latest endeavor. It is a printable yoshon product lookup, that is also a searchable pdf. It contains most of the currently updated products on Yoshon.com. The Manual gets updated shortly after the website gets updated. There are navigational links throughout the document. We hope you find this to be a useful tool.
Click on the “Download” Button to view or download the current Newsletter. This is a review of all the news and updates for this past month. (Previous Yoshon.com Newsletters and News Alerts for this season can be found in our archives by Clicking Here.)
Cleveland Kosher Yoshon Establishments List 5785 Cleveland, OH yoshon establishments list in a downloadable pdf. All are completely yoshon throughout this season. (Updated 1/28/24)
Latest cRc Yoshon / Pas Yisroel Establishment List
cRc Yoshon Establishment List 5785 The cRc’s list of Yoshon establishments in Chicago, IL is in a downloadable pdf. Please be sure to read the notes listed at the bottom of each entry highlighted in yellow, as some places have yoshon available only by request. (Updated 9/26/24)
Company: Patis Bakery Issue: Yoshon Due to customer demand, Patis Bakery has decided to reverse its decision about the discontinuance of yoshon products. Effective Sunday, November 10th, all products will once again be yoshon.
OU Pas Yisroel/Yoshon List 5785 Here is the OU’s list of Pas Yisroel and Yoshon items for 5785. We have highlighted all the “Yoshon” listings in yellow on this searchable, downloadable pdf. Please note that special instructions for a company or specific products are highlighted in yellow to the right. (Updated 10/15/24)
RCC List of Yoshon Establishments – 5785 Here is a list of Yoshon Bakeries and Restaurants under the hashgacha of the Rabbinical Council of California. (Updated 1-1-2025)
Star-K Yoshon Update on Fresko Airline Meals Still relevant. Not quite the same as an establishment, it could be called Long Distance “Take Out”. (Updated 12/16/21)
MK Yoshon Alert on Pita Royale Please note that as of Thursday morning, [11/21/24] Pita Royale pitas will no longer be certified as Yoshon. We will keep the community updated as we gather information regarding other establishments that use Pita Royale products. (Updated 11/18/24)
MK Canadian Yoshon Official Yoshon Magazine Beautiful and informative magazine that will educate and enlighten everyone, even those who are not living in Canada. (Updated 11/5/24)
Kosher London Beth Din (KLBD) Restaurant Update for 5784- August 14, 2024 The First Yoshon Restaurant Update from the Kosher London Beth Din (KLBD) for 5784.
UOS Yoshon Alert on Sunbake Bread “All Sunbake Bread is no longer yoshon after code 306. Currently Sunbake on shelves is no longer yoshon.” (Updated as of 11-26-24)
Kemach Food Products Corp. Yoshon Update – December 30, 2024 This is the second Yoshon Update from Kemach Products Food Products Corp. for 5785. They update it periodically as dates change, and we post the most current one. (Updated 12-30-24)
USA General Chodosh Cutoff Start Dates for 5785 Complete list of cutoff dates for the 5785 season. Printable General Chodosh Start Dates for the season for products from the USA. (Updated 1/12/25)
Yoshon Cereals List Printable list of cereals known to be Yoshon as of the revision date. It will be updated as information is available. (Updated as of 1-12-25)
Yoshon Flours List Printable list of flours known to be Yoshon as of the revision date. It will be updated as information is available. (Updated as of 1-31-25)
Yoshon Beers List Printable list of beer brands known to be Yoshon, and those that have specific criteria such as dates, size, hashgacha or wording. (Updated as of 10-30-24)
Complete user’s Guide contains instructions on installation, use and troubleshooting for our Official Yoshon.com Mobile App. It is a 2-page interactive pdf with full color pictures. Download or view. It can even be printed.